Yes you do unfortunately. Currently plugins and GPTs only work with GPT 4 so you will not be able to access the service with the free plan.
Yes you can! Smart Slides is currently free for users, you can download 6 presentations for free per month if you are the occasional user.
Yes, there are images that are added to slides. If you are not getting them show up the try to ask the model to include more image layouts.
You can easily manage your subscription by visiting the Smart Slides Subscription Portal. Make sure you login with the same email address that you used to subscribe. If you no longer require Smart Slides you can cancel your subscription by visiting the Smart Slides Subscription Portal. Make sure you login with the same email address that you used to subscribe. You can click on your user profile and then click on cancel subscription. You can also downgrade to the free plan to continue to get the 6 free slides per month.
There are two sign in methods to login to Smart Slides, Google Authentication and a Magic Link. If you are unable to login with one of the methods it is recommended to uninstall the plugin then reinstall and log back in with the other method.
ChatGPT is the most popular consumer application in history and sometimes has surges of demand. They post updates about overall service performance which may sometimes degrade the performance of Smart Slides. If you are having issues visit this website to see if there is another issue driving it.